Psychology All books

Nady Van Broeck, Jacques Van Rillaer
Giving Psychological Support to Seriously Ill Children
An indispensable book to enable parents and caregivers to help children overcome the challenge of serious illness

Michel Delage
The Emotional Life and Attachment In the Family
The evolution of emotional ties and relations within the modern family

Henri Danon-Boileau, Gérard Dedieu-Anglade
A Certain Kind of Stubbornness Living With Very Old Age
A reflection on the profound changes imposed by old age; an analysis of the dead ends it can lead to and what to do to keep on loving life and others.

Michel Lemay
Autism Today
What do we know about autism today ? How can it be treated ? What is the cause ? In this book, the author offers a clear appraisal of the contributions and failures of various disciplines (psychoanalysis, neurobiology, genetics, chemical and drug treatment, and behavioural and cognitive therapies), and makes a case for a multidisciplary type of medicine. It offers both parents and professionals a great source of strength with which to fight against autism. Michel Lemay is a psychiatrist and professor of child and adolescent psychiatry. A world-renowned specialist in autism, he is the director of the clinic on autism and invasive development disorders at the Hôpital Sainte-Justine in Montreal.

Michel Delage, Boris Cyrulnik
Family and Resilience
This book delves further into the notion of resilience, examining it in the light of the family group.

Christopher K. Germer
The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions
An introduction to self-compassion by an eminent clinical psychologist and bestselling author

Jacques Lecomte
Cured of Childhood
How does a child whom life has hurt become resilient? Jacques Lecomte examines every aspect of a child's environment that can help him or her overcome misfortune. He stresses the crucial need for markers in the reconstruction of the child's personality, and on the importance of finding meaning in suffering. This is a thorough study of resilience, its foundations and how it works. It is also a polemical work which questions the role played by psychotherapists in building resilience. Jacques Lecomte argues that they are not the only ones who can do this - and that sometimes psychotherapists can do more harm than good. The author suggests specific plans of action, for families and children, so that those who are suffering and in pain may learn to become resilient and happy. This book offers a powerful message of hope - happiness, says the author, lies in acquiring a better understanding of resilience. Jacques Lecomte is a doctor in psychology and a lecturer at the University of Paris-X. He specialises in training professionals who work with children and is secretary general of the International Observatory on Resilience, presided by Boris Cyrulnik.