Psychology All books
Jean Adès, Michel Lejoyeux
Give Me More! Gambling, Sex, Work, Money
Do we live in an age of addictions? Some pass their time in the office, to the detriment of their family life. Others blow their budget on useless and spontaneous buys. Others still crave thrills and sensations, obtained through participating in extreme sports. But is there a link between a drug addict and a person addicted to shopping, sex or work? Are these new dependencies increasingly frequent, symptomatic of our society? Where does pleasure stop and danger begin? Jean Adès is professor of medicine. Professor Michael Lejoyeux is a psychiatrist.
Catherine Reverzy
Women of Adventure From Dream to Self-Realisation
More and more women are becoming involved in extreme sports, accomplishing major feats, participating in dangerous expeditions and unorthodox adventures. Who are these intrepid women who are willing to face great physical dangers, push their own limits, or even risk their lives, for the sake of a cause, an ideal or simply a powerful desire? Why and how do these women succeed in returning safely from dangerous expeditions that most people would be unable to cope with? What in their past made them capable of taking such risks? Is there an explanation for their great self-confidence and for their trust in the world around them? Catherine Reverzy is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.
Christine Delaporte
Telling Sick People the Truth
The issue of medical truth is perceived differently by doctors and patients. From the doctors point of view: Should a given patient be told the truth? Should terminally ill patients be told how much longer they may expect to live? From the patients point of view: How can I hear the truth and learn to live with the disease? This book should help health professionals deal with emotionally difficult moments of truth. It should also help patients and their loved ones to feel less alone, once they have heard the truth, and to gradually learn to live with their disease. Christine Delaporte is a head of research at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Willy Pasini, Donata Francescato
The Courage to Change
What would happen if, instead of stifling our dreams, we took the desire to change seriously? What would happen if we really gave ourselves the means with which to transform our lives and ourselves? Willy Pasini, a psychotherapist, and Donata Francescato, a social psychologist, have brought together their respective skills in order to show us how to succeed in making both our inner and outer transformations. Willy Pasini, a psychotherapist, teaches psychiatry and psychology at the University of Geneva. Donata Francescato is a psychologist and teaches at La Sapienza University, in Rome.