Psychology All books

Patrick Clervoy
Truths or Lie? Why do we believe lies?
This book, which explores the mechanism of a lie, reads like a collection of stories.

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Dare to Live, Dare to Die Taking hold of death in order to live fully
The delicate issue of choosing to die is raised, explained, and critiqued. A generous book with lively prose, including many anecdotal stories.

Boris Cyrulnik
In the Time of Souls and Seasons Psychology and Ecology
From the body to language, including the climate, culture, and, of course, the family, an astute description of the way in which our different environments (“ecology” in the broadest sense of the term) determine, from childhood, the person we are to become.

Fanny Nusbaum
The Secret of High Performers
Psychology and neuroscience as scientific support for a new understanding of high performance, by an author who is both a clinician and a researcher.

Moïra Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam
The Parent Burnout Avoiding it and getting away with it
Parental burn-out, a societal phenomenon that we are just beginning to talk about.

Éric Malbos, Rodolphe Oppenheimer
Psychotherapy and Virtual Reality Anxiety, phobias and addictions
A new form of psychotherapy that treats anxiety disorders, all types of phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, general anxiety disorders, and addictions, notably to tobacco, by confronting reality without the associated disadvantages.

Monique Bydlowski
Motherhood, the Cradle of Humanity
Gathered together in one book, all the great themes that have been central to Monique Bydlowski’s work for more than fifty years, from life debt to the psychic openness so characteristic of pregnancy.

Nicolas Franck
Stress and Mental Health The Odyssey of the 2020 Lockdown
Scientific and historical data to better understand the nature of confinement, this extreme experience imposed on a population.