Psychology All books

Christine Mirabel-Sarron
Rebuilding Oneself After a Life-Altering Incident
A very supportive voice, with enough optimism to encourage a beneficial change, and simple advice to instill confidence and to encourage practice.

Marion Aufseesser
Rebounding How to Turn a Career Change into a Real Break
An effective coaching method to help you make that career change or find a new job

Patrice Huerre, Philippe Petitfrère
Questions of Authority At School, at Home, in Business
An increasing demand to review relationships of authority has been emerging over the past fifty years.

Florence Lautrédou
This Pulse is changing our lives Inspiration
A stimulating book to help us welcome the gift of inspiration, and then take charge of our lives

Boris Cyrulnik
Psychotherapy from God
Combining developmental psychology, attachment-based therapy, psycho-sociology, and the neurosciences, a psychotherapy of the sacred that takes into account all forms of belief, without distinction and without judgment, to analyse their foundations, their practices, their inner workings, and also their benefits. An original enlightening study of the major role played by attachment (secure or insecure) in religious feeling.