Psychology All books

Jean-Baptiste Fages
History of Psychoanalysis after Freud (New Edition)
For all those who want an introduction in simple terms to psychoanalytical thinking this book highlights the great post-Freudian figures and principal movements. It examines in their turn the individuals who have made remarkable contributions (such as Sandor Ferenczi), those who were leaders and their spheres of influence (Adler, Jung, Lacan), the personalities united by their research area (for example the child psychoanalysis of Anna Freud and Mélanie Klein) or by cultural convergence (such as the New York School, the cultural tendency, etc.). Sociologist, and doctor of the history of philosophy, Jean-Baptiste Fages teaches at the Sorbonne in the capacity of CELSA.

Nathalie Zajde
The Hidden Children In France
How did the Jewish children who hid and survived the Holocaust succeed in developing their unique strength and their love of life?

Hélène Romano
Helping the Child in Trouble Separation, Aggression, Traumatism
A response adapted to the growing violence occurring in our societies, from school bullying to terrorist attacks. Contains many practical examples and explanations, clear and concrete guidance to help parents help their children and make them feel secure.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
Help Me to Live, Please!
With the energy and talent she is known for, Jeanne Siaud-Facchin proposes here less a new theory than a new practice of psychology...

François Lelord
Hector and the Rose-colored Glasses: To Love Life
Hector, the melancholic psychiatrist who wants to help others to be happy, is back. A story, a gallery of characters, and advice for personal development.