Psychology All books

Libby Purves
How Not to Raise Perfect Children
All parents want to raise exceptional children : well-balanced, healthy, clean behind the ears and gifted for everything...

Stéphanie Hahusseau
How Not to Endure Any Longer Deconditioning Oneself from One’s Past
A book for a general audience and for health-care professionals that explains how behavioral disorders, can be hiding repressed issues of abuse

Dominique Servant
How Not to Crack Up at Work
What can be done, in a concrete fashion, to overcome work-related problems and to obtain professional satisfaction and fulfilment?

Libby Purves
How Not to be a Perfect Mother
Are you one of those perfect mothers or are you a real mother? Perfect mothers always smile, always have immaculate homes, never raise their voices....

Libby Purves
How Not to Be a Perfect Mother
Are you a perfect mother or a real mother? Perfect mothers are forever smiling, their homes are immaculate, and they never raise their voices.

Libby Purves
How Not to be a Perfect Family
Perfect families, as we know, live in perfectly kept houses, have admirably well-organized vacations...

Sophie Tran Van, Emmanuel Goldenberg
How My Shrink Saved My Life A Patient and Her Therapist Open Up
A true story, that of encountering, and curing, a young patient at her wits end who staked everything on a final treatment with a therapist.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
How Meditation Changed My Life and Could Also Change Yours!
The book contains a wealth of information on mindfulness meditation, juxtaposing recent findings in the neurosciences with actual experiences.

Yasmine Liénard
How Meditation Can Help You to Really Be Yourself Meditation, a path to finding your true Self
Dealing with and resolving the widespread malaise and mental suffering that characterise the society we live in. A psychological approach inspired by Buddhism.

Bénédicte de Boysson-Bardies
How Does the Power of Speech Come to Children ?
How does the newborn, from his cradle, perceive the sounds that make up words? How does he hear and extract sounds, and then recognize, organize and analyze them? How does an infant come to understand and reproduce language? How does the power of speech come to children? Benedicte de Boysson Bardies invites the reader to follow the newborn from his first minute of life to his first sentence, retracing step by step the process of acquiring speech. As a psycholinguist, Benedicte de Boysson Bardies specializes in the acquisition of language by young children.

Lucy Vincent
How Do you Feel? 15 sensational exercises to reprogram your brain
The way we move and our intellectual, cognitive and emotional development are closely linked. It’s time to get back to the body.