Psychology All books

François Lelord, Christophe André
The New Difficult Personalities How to understand them, accept them, manage them
A precious help to help you live in a peaceful way with those with whom you are brought to work.

Rébecca Shankland, Christophe André
Never without Others
The transformations and developments of psychology: integrating elements of sociology (understanding the person though his affiliations) and elements of human ecology

François Roustang
Never Against On Being an Attentive Body
Three seminal works by François Roustang, gathered here in a 700-page volume

France Schott-Billmann
The Need to Dance
Village dances, the craze for Oriental and African dancing, the large number of rave parties - over the past few years, the joy of dancing seems to have been rediscovered in France. What does the desire to dance hide?

Olivier Bouvet de la Maisonneuve
Narcissus and Oedipus Go to Hollywood Psychoanalysis with Depression
Art and creativity can help us understand depression and how the psyche works