Psychology All books

Vincent Trybou, Baptiste Brossard, Marianne Kedia
Self-harm Understanding and Treatment
The first book to offer a complete and pragmatic approach to the treatment of self-harm behavior

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin
Help Me to Live, Please!
With the energy and talent she is known for, Jeanne Siaud-Facchin proposes here less a new theory than a new practice of psychology...

Jacques Hochmann
Degeneration Theories Psychiatry and History
The unbelievable story of a mad psychiatric theory centered on the idea of heredity which was put to the most horrible of uses, while having a lasting effect on mentalities.

Jean-Luc Ducher
Overcoming Anxiety All By Yourself
An accessible approach in the form of 100 questions/answers on an ever-present subject

Raphaële Miljkovitch, François Poisson
Another Path To Parenting For Mindful and Thoughtful Education
An original concept of parenting

Christophe André
Imperfect, free and Happy How to Live in Friendship with Yourself
This new book is the result. It radically embraces the daily practice of self-esteem and of how to live in friendship and harmony with yourself.