Psychology All books

Laurent Bègue-Shankland
The Psychology of Good and Evil
How our idea of morality builds on and informs our personal life and our relationships

Caroline Huron
Dyspraxia: Motor coordination disorder
How to help children with motor coordination difficulties face their daily tasks

Yves-Alexandre Thalmann
Feeling Great With Positive Psychology
Discover the path to wellbeing through positive psychology, a scientifically based method.

Didier Pleux
A Day With ZOUP
Based on the insights of an eminent psychologist, this book of children’s bedtime stories will be a boon for parents.

Boris Cyrulnik
Child Suicide Attachment and Society
The number of child and teenage suicides is greatly underestimated, warns Boris Cyrulnik, in a report commissioned by the French government

Charles-Édouard Rengade, Frédéric Fanget
Living With and Overcoming Impulsiveness
Impulsiveness can be overcome. This book shows how one can learn to control it

Mireille Gayraud-Andel , Marie-Pierre Poulat
Stuttering and How to Overcome It
This informative guide shows how to overcome stuttering and recover self-esteem.