General Psychology All books

David Gourion
Young Adults’ Extreme Fragility
One young adult out of four suffers from psychic malaise. However, prevention is possible

Claude Olievenstein
Written in the Mouth
"The mouth is beautiful. Everything starts with the mouth, from the first scream to the first sucking, from the first love kiss to the last farewell kiss. It is possible to view it only as an obscure hole or a devouring machine. It becomes more difficult when, from the labial to the short syllabe, it shapes itself as an instrument for language or music. Then, new questions are raised, especially regarding its relation to the cerebral systems." Claude Olievenstein

Nayla Chidiac
Writing Workshops The Benefit of Writing, the Benefits of Words
Writing can change your life. A practical guide accessible to all, by one of the foremost specialists in therapeutic self-writing.

Paula Thorès Riand
Wounds of the Mother Don’t Pass on Your Own Abuse
An analysis of the mechanism that puts into place a mother/child relationship influenced by a complicated mother/daughter relationship.

Stanislas Dehaene, Christine Petit
Words and Music Genesis of human dialogue
Speech and music shape social cognition through shared emotional states, intentions, symbols and cultures...

Fatma Bouvet de la Maisonneuve
Women's choice
woman physician-psychiatrist appraises the condition of women in today’s society.

Barbara Polla
Women Who Break The Mould A book about women for women
A gallery of emblematic portraits of mould-breaking women, among them one of the great explorer Alexandra David-Néel whose motto was "Go where your heart takes you and follow your eyes." A campaigning work that will allow every one of us to break free of our shackles and to each make our contribution, as best we can, to a more open, more harmonious and more loving society.

Boris Cyrulnik
Wild Paradises, Heroic Joy
A breath of fresh air from a talented writer who brings a courageous and exacting vision to these troubled times.

Nathalie Zajde
Who Were the Hidden Children? Thinking With the Major Witnesses
Nathalie Zajde continues to research the psychological trauma and the identity of children who were hidden during the Holocaust

Agathe Lenoël
Who Am I When I’m Not Myself? A Bipolar Patient Speaks Out
Understanding gifted adults to help them get along and succeed in the workplace