General Psychology All books

Christophe André, François Lelord
Self-esteem Liking Oneself in Order to Live Better with Others
A format adapted to the individual: tests for self-evaluation; keys for understanding how self-esteem is formed at every age, in private as well as professional life; concrete solutions to help live in the best harmony with oneself… and with others.

Steven Laureys
Meditation and Brain
A study of the brain of one of the greatest meditators by one of the most brilliant neurologists today.

Governing is an Ambition For Which One Must Have Talent
What is power? This wonderfully written book, powerfully argued, enhanced with contemporary examples, attempts to respond to that crucial question.

Libby Purves
How Not to Be a Perfect Mother
Are you a perfect mother or a real mother? Perfect mothers are forever smiling, their homes are immaculate, and they never raise their voices.

Boris Cyrulnik
At Night, I Would Write Suns
Alongside Genet, Tolstoy, Gary, and many others, a perceptive and sensitive exploration of resilience through a few great works in our literary canon: how writing can sometimes save a life, how words enable one to escape, to flee reality, or to create oneself, to create a world, one’s own, or to fill a void, or to tell one’s story. . .

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Slimming is simple and in your head
A visionary approach that very early on stressed the importance of the relationship between the body and the psyche in problems relating to weight-loss.

Jérôme Boutang, Michel DeLara
The Biases of the Mind Ways of thinking modeled by evolution
An evolutionist psychology for dummies. A fun book on a subject that concerns us all.