Psychiatry All books

Sylvie Geismar-Wieviorka
Treating drug users From cold turkey to shooting galleries
A front-line doctor explains how to treat drug addicts

Bernard Chouvier
The Fanatics
For more than twenty years, Bernard Chouvier has studied various forms of political and religious commitment and activism and their sectarian excesses.

Antoine Pelissolo
Restoring Hope An ABC of Positive Psychiatry
Changing the way we look at psychological suffering and psychiatry

Corinne Gal
Psychodrama: As Powerful an Experience as Life Itself
Psychodrama: an effective therapeutic method that is frequently used by psychiatrists and psychotherapists

Franck Lamagnère
So, Is It OCD or Not? Recognising the Disorder and Helping Sufferers
An important reference work on obsessive-compulsive disorder, by a major French specialist

Thierry Najman
Places of Asylum Should We Open Psychiatric Wards?
Locking up psychiatric patients is shameful and ineffective

Florence Thibaut
Sexual Abuse
The point of view of a psychiatrist with more than twenty years’ experience in issues of sexual violence.

Fabrice Jollant
The Suicide Understanding and Helping Those at Risk
Understanding the causes of fragility, in order to identify vulnerability to suicidal behaivours