Psychoanalysis All books

Catherine Clément, Tobie Nathan
The Couch and the Grigri
This work is a fascinating discussion between a practising analyst who has not ceased to confront his discipline with other disciplines of the mind, and a philosopher with great psychoanalytic experience. It aims to show how cultural heritage a debt linking each generation to its ancestors shapes both how we represent reality and our emotional universe. The authors thoughts and conclusions are thoroughly backed up with a variety of specific examples and observations. Tobie Nathan is an ethno-psychologist and teaches clinical and pathological psychology at the University of Paris VIII. Catherine Clément is a writer and philosopher.

Raymond Cahn
The End of the Couch ?
Why do psychoanalysts refuse to review their methods, while simultaneously recognising that life-styles have evolved and that new pathologies have come into existence? Why, for example, do they remain devoted to the psychoanalysts couch, while realising that certain cures are at a dead-end? This is a controversial work on the challenges facing psychoanalysis a field that had its hour of glory in the 1960s but has since been somewhat discredited. Raymond Cahn is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.

Laurent Danon-Boileau
Children Without Language
I have been treating children [with language difficulties] for the past ten years, and making clinical observations from three theoretical points of view: I have used linguistics, psychoanalysis and recent finding in the cognitive sciences. By taking into account and examining the difficulties encountered when working with such children, and by paying attention to the specific character of their development, we will be able to provide essential information for anyone wishing to reflect seriously on a central issue for all of us: Why speak? writes Laurent Danon-Boileau. Laurent Danon-Boileau is a linguist, psychoanalyst and writer.

Serge Lebovici
The Baby, the Psychoanalyst and the Metaphor Presented by Bernard Golse
This exceptional document, the last work of Serge Lebovici, traces the history of metaphor as a concept for philosophers, linguists,and psychoanalysts. It particularly shows why this notion constitutes the keystone of psychic ontogenesis and of all therapeutic activity. A psychoanalyst, and professor of child and adolescent psychology, Serge Lebovici was the president of the International Psychoanalytical Society.

Catherine Reverzy
Women of Adventure From Dream to Self-Realisation
More and more women are becoming involved in extreme sports, accomplishing major feats, participating in dangerous expeditions and unorthodox adventures. Who are these intrepid women who are willing to face great physical dangers, push their own limits, or even risk their lives, for the sake of a cause, an ideal or simply a powerful desire? Why and how do these women succeed in returning safely from dangerous expeditions that most people would be unable to cope with? What in their past made them capable of taking such risks? Is there an explanation for their great self-confidence and for their trust in the world around them? Catherine Reverzy is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst.