Science All books
Jacques Tassin
What Do Plants Think About?
There are so many plant lovers out there. This book is the perfect opportunity for them to discover the hidden side of plant life. A concise, well-informed and up-to-date overview of recent botanical research.
Robert Barbault
Whales, Bacteria and Man
The most prodigious mystery of life might well be in the means it has used to create so much diversity with so little matter. However, taking the risk of destroying the most precious ecosystems, Man inflicts to Nature deforestation, pollution, sea walls and many other acts of violence. This book explores this profusion of life of which human beings are one of the components as well as one of its pivots.
Serge Abiteboul, Jean Cattan
We Are Social Media
There is another, more democratic and participative way to regulate social media and break away from GAFAM: social media is what we make it.
Alain Bentolila
We Are Not Bonobos: I Talk, Therefore I Am
The conquest of language and writing against the chaos of the world and all its forms of manipulation
Michel Laguës
Water in Daily Life
With the aid of this book, readers will be able to understand some of the most complex and profound ideas of contemporary physics simply by observing water in their daily lives. Michel Laguës is a research director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.