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Marc Jeannerod
The Volitional Brain
Volition lies at the heart of human reality. It is the manifestation of our inner self, and plays an active part in the implementation of our intentions, desires and projects...

Michel Cassé
The Void and Eternity
A synthesis of current cosmological theories, by one of the greatest astrophysicists of our time

Luc Montagnier
Viruses and Man
Luc Montagnier is the person who, with his team of the Pasteur Institute, discovered in 1983 the virus responsible for AIDS. He tells about the research work which led him to this discovery. He sums up the knowledge we have of this virus, its origin and the way the disease develops. He gives the state of research today and his hopes.

Alain Berthoz
The Vicariance The Brain as Creator of Universes
A new concept, invented by Alain Berthoz, to explain the mechanisms governing human creativity

Nicolas Gisin
Unthinkable Randomness Non-Locality, Teleportation and Other Quantum Wonders
An indispensable book to finally understand the fascinating world of quantum physics

Stephen Hawking
The Universe in a Nutshell
This work is illustrated and allows non-mathematicians to better understand the strange world of physicists...

Joseph Silk
Une brève histoire de l'univers
Joseph Silk is the author of an authoritative book on the Big Bang. In the present work, he covers the history of the universe from that first great explosion and shows how the most recent discoveries in astrophysics i.e. of the cosmic fluctuations from which the great structures of the universe emerged provide the missing link between the Big Bang, which occurred 15 billion years ago, and the present state of the universe. When did time begin? This is the question, already asked by Stephen Hawking, that A Short History of the Universe sets out to answer. It is the subject of current debate among theologians: Did time begin with the Big Bang, in which case God could not have created the universe, or has time existed for all eternity, which would mean that the Big Bang was just one event among others, that God could have existed before it occurred and that He could thus have created the universe? This highly accessible book will be of interest to a wide readership, since the issues examined here concern all of us. Joseph Silk, an astrophysicist and cosmologist, teaches at Oxford University.

Claude-Paul Bruter
Understand Maths The 10 Fundamental Principles
What does the world look like from a mathematical perspective ? This is what Claude-Paul Bruter explains through the fundamental principles of the discipline, from the theorem of Thalès to differential forms. He explores the notions of vector and space curvature, the implicit function theorem, and the characteristic of Euler-Poincaré, the different geometries and topological surfaces. Written in part for students, this work is accessible to all those interested in mathematics. Claude-Paul Bruter is a professor at the University of Créteil

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Under the Sign of Light The Itinerary of a Physicist in a Quantum World
A valuable text on the history of physics in the Twentieth Century. “The man who stopped atoms with light.”

Jean-Pierre Pharabod
UFWs Unidentified Flying Weapons
Most reported sightings of UFOs turn out to be errors, optical illusions, hallucinations, and even practical jokes. But five per cent of all reported cases are more difficult to dismiss. According to the author, the unidentified objects may be clandestine terrestrial aircraft prototypes or secret weapons launched by the major industrialised nations, particularly the United States. Should the mysterious sightings be attributed to UFOs or to UFWs (Unidentified Flying Weapons)?

André Miquel
Two Stories of Love (Work of the Collège de France) From Majnûn to Tristan
How does absolute passion express itself in Middle-Eastern and in Western societies?