Environment, Sustainable Development All books

Barbara Demeneix
How Fossil Fuels Are Destroying our Health, the Climate and Biodiversity
Based on the most recent scientific studies, this book shows the interdependence between the climate, biodiversity and our health. It will give food for thought to environmentalists

Olivier Hamant
The Third Path of the Living
To confront the ongoing climate of environmental and civilizational catastrophe, the life sciences offer us an alternative to the cult of performance that has been elevated to a dogma. A counter-model inspired by biology...

The Shift Project
Crisis, Climate How to Transform the French Economy
The Shift Project, a think tank created by Jean-Marc Jancovici in 2010, aims to clarify and influence the debate on energy transition.

Alexandre Meinesz
Protecting Marine Biodiversity
A new approach to the threat of pollution in the Mediterranean by an expert in Mediterranean marine life.

Académie d'agriculture de France
The Big Book of Trees and Forests Draw a forest for me
In the same vein as the Grand livre de notre alimentation [The Big Book of Food], this book responds to all our questions on forests.

Nicolas Hulot Foundation For Nature And Mankind, Alain Grandjean, Thierry Libaert
Science for the World to Come Facing Climate Change and the Destruction of Biodiversity
This book will be published to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondation Nicolas Hulot.

Alain Grandjean, Nicolas Dufrêne
An Ecological Currency to Save the Planet
The economy is being shaped to adapt to the ecological crisis; what is the scope for action? An original solution to save the planet: the ex nihilo creation of a “green currency.”

Serge Marti
Planet Earth : Six Challenges for 2050
A vast overview of the great socio-eco-economic problems of the planet. Clear and factual analyses, showing the interdependence of the issues.