Mathematics All books
Alain Connes, Danye Chéreau, Jacques Dixmier
The Quantic Theatre
A remarkable introduction to quantum mechanics
Stanislas Dehaene
A Good Head for Maths
This book on experimental psychology is clear and rigorous, precise and alert - it is instructive and incites us to think...
Gilles Godefroy
The Adventure of Numbers
Numbers never cease to fascinate. The Adventure of Numbers recounts the history of the gradual discovery of numerical characteristics, from the early days of arithmetic to the most sophisticated recent issues: Could a robot be created that would reduce all mathematics to simple sums? Are we sure that arithmetic does not conceal contradictions? Can all mathematical truths be demonstrated? The surprising answers given by Gilles Godefroy are the latest in an on-going saga that will doubtless continue to astound us. Mathematician Gilles Godefroy is a research director at the French Centre National de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).