Physics, Chemistry All books

Yann Verdo
Einstein’s Violin Einstein, Niels Bohr, and Gödel
A very original initiation into the mysteries of science, for the “honest man” of the twenty-first century.

Janine Thibault
The Air We Breathe
What is air? What is pollution? Whether with regard to the atmosphere, the effects of pollutants, or the weather, teachers will find in this book elementary theoretical information on air, and the essential foundation needed to instruct their pupils with a civic-minded, and preventive attitude to the air they breathe.

Carlo Rovelli
Beyond Appearances Quantum Gravity and the Fabric of Reality
Understanding quantum physics with one of the world’s leading theoretical physicists

Paul-Henri Rebut
Energy of the Stars Controlled Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion can be likened to God or the devil. Out there among the stars, it is godlike, creating atoms and giving birth to life. But down below, on earth, nuclear fusion is the devil: it has been used to make bombs that can annihilate everything, including all forms of life. Now that the devil of thermonuclear destruction seems to have been locked back in its box, nuclear fusion kept under tight control in civil reactors offers the hope for long-term economic development. Isnt it the only inexhaustible, non-polluting form of energy that offers no limits except that of human technical knowledge? Paul-Henri Rebut is a member of the Academy of Science.

Yves Quéré
A Shell in the Middle of the Ear Science, Education, and Other Shores
Written with happiness, with multiple formulations and aphorisms, this book is an invitation to meditate on the beauties and contradictions of life.