Physics, Chemistry All books

Édouard Brézin, Sébastien Balibar
Physics Tomorrow
The initiative of the Academy of Sciences, ten eminent French scientists share with us the extraordinary advances of contemporary physics.

Anatole Abragam
Physics Before Everything New Edition
A. Abragam's autobiography is a fascinating introduction to the world of physics. We follow the uprooted Russian pupil through trial and discovery, witnessing his transformation into accomplished physician. An inspiring work for the moments of pure discovery, when proven evidence seems to magically match theoretical predictions.

Yuval Ne'eman, Yoram Kirsh
The Particle Hunters
In this book, Yuval Neeman and Yoram Kirsh recount the story of particle physics in the twentieth century. They explain how physicists first discovered the various levels of the atom and then tried to describe its structure, culminating in the most recent "standard model". Assuming that the readers knowledge of physics is limited to basic notions such as energy, mass, and electrical charge, the authors explain the theory of relativity and the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, which have guided physicists in their search for the ultimate particles of matter. Yuval Neeman teaches theoretical physics at the University of Tel Aviv. Yoram Kirsh teaches physics at the Open University of Israel.

Alain Bécoulet
Nuclear Fusion
The great hope in the realm of energy transition: fusion produces almost no radioactive waste, and doesn’t emit CO2. . .

Michel Cassé
Nothingness and Creation
This book is foremost a piece of scientific popularization. M. Cassé leads us on an historical stroll through physics. First we meet the ideas of Galileo and Newton. Then Einstein modifies the classical notions of time and space. Finally quantum mechanics revolutionize our sense of matter. On a deeper level, Cassé sees physics as an arena for debate on the nature of reality. This is why scientific discourse often tends toward reverie and poetic meditation, particularly when concerning itself with the void, a central notion for modern physics and the complex protagonist of Cassé's scientific journey.

Serge Haroche
The light revealed
The is a scientific biography and history of what we know about light, including current advancements in the field, in which Serge Haroche has played a major role.

Nathalie Deruelle, Jean-Pierre Lasota
Gravitational Waves
An extraordinary, theoretical, and experimental saga told by two of the protagonists, or how a purely theoretical notion became a physical reality. A revolution: telescopes now observe in gravitational waves also! Astronomy of the future will be gravitational.

Mario Livio
The Golden Ratio: The Story of PHI, the World's Most Astonishing Number A mathematical myth
The Golden Ratio is a captivating journey through art and architecture, botany and biology, physics and mathematics.

James Gleick
Genius: Richard Feynman and Modern Physics
Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize winner for his work on the description and calculation of interactions between particles, was a genius of our time. Quantum physics theoretician, enfant terrible of the Manhattan project and ascerbic critic of the investigative committee of the American space shuttle, Feynman left a profound impression on modern physics. James Gleick, a former journalist at The New York Times and author of the best-selling Chaos Theory, tells how Feynman's ideas were formed and how he reinvented particle physics. Through this portrait, Gleick explores the nature of genius itself and provides insight about the fascination that it engenders.

Michel Cassé
The Genealogy of Matter
Atoms originate in the stars. There is no real separation between the Earth and the sky, and matter forms one great whole, based on a series of nuclear reactions. Written in a lyrical, poetic style, this is a concise, clearly illustrated account of the birth of matter, aimed at the general reader. Michel Cassé is an astrophysicist and researcher at the CEA and the Institut Astrophysique, in Paris. He is the author of Du Vide et de la Création and La Petite Etoile.

Pierre Bergé, Yves Pomeau, Monique Dubois-Gance
From Rhythm to Chaos
From the physics of particules to astronomy, from chemistry to biology, chaos is present in most scientific fields. Three specialists of this subject have undertaken, through many examples, to extract chaos from the scientific world in order to show how strong is its hold on our daily lives.

Étienne Guyon, Jean-Paul Troadec
From a Bag of Marbles to a Heap of Sand
Why don't sand dunes collapse? How does sand flow in an hourglass? How is it possible to empty a silo of all its wheat? What's a ceramic? The answer to all these questions can be found in the science of the complex organizations of matter, a science which is pluridisciplinary. Étienne Guyon, head of the École Normale Supérieure, and Jean-Paul Troadec, a researcher, present the characteristics of grain matter, the rules by which it is organized (in both crystal and fluid) as well as its movements (in silos as in avalanches).

Michel Pinault
Frédéric Joliot-Curie
This is the first biography of Frédéric Joliot-Curie, the founder of French nuclear research and winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1935. For many, he represents the political commitment of French intellectuals in the struggle against Fascism in the twentieth century. His life illustrates the transition from traditional science, limited to the world of academia, to Big Science, with major national and international repercussions. Michel Pinault holds an agrégation and a doctorate in history from the University of Paris I.

Jean-Pierre Pharabod, Gérard Klein
Fortune and Misfortune in Quantum Physics (Re)discovering the great theories of physics
The great theories of physics seen through the controversies they provoke. Quantum physics and general relativity, the two pillars of modern physics, are a source of fascination to many. Difficult subjects tackled in their historical context and without scientific tools.

Roger Penrose
Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe The Big Bang and the effect of fashion
Roger Penrose is a world-renowned theoretical physicist. The author of many books on cosmology, he is emeritus professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford.