Physics, Chemistry All books
Alain Connes, Danye Chéreau, Jacques Dixmier
The Quantic Theatre
A remarkable introduction to quantum mechanics
Gérard Liger-Belair
The Science of Champagne
In this fascinating book, Gérard Liger-Belair delves into the inner workings of champagne and pierces its mysteries...
Étienne Ghys
Snowflakes: A Wonder of Nature
An introduction to the science of crystals within the reach of non-specialists, with a very clear introduction to the physical and mathematical aspects of the subject.
André Lebeau
The Space Legacy
Man has begun to realize one of his most ancient dreams: to overcome gravity, to conquer space, to explore the universe. André Lebeau sheds light on some of the stakes of this quest. By examining the logic of evolution which drives us to explore, and then to occupy, discovered continents, Lebeau traces the perspectives that the possible colonization of outer space opens to humanity. In so doing, he offers a new viewpoint on the dynamics of scientific and technological progress.
Alain Connes, Danye Chéreau, Jacques Dixmier
The Specter of Atacama A Trio for the End of Time
From a mysterious source there appeared a first message that had just been received by the Alma Observatory in Chili, and was saved from oblivion by the main character in the book by a mathematician obsessed with a conjecture.