Catalog All books
Jean-Pierre Bibring
Alone in the Universe
Since the first observations made with space probes, everything seems to indicate that the Earth, the product of a long chain of coincidences, is unique in its kind. Is life not therefore a generic property of the universe?
Jean Cottraux
All Narcissists
A fascinating reflection on our times. Scientific tools (questionnaires, tests) presented in France for the first time. Therapeutic pathways and case studies of treatment.
Barbara Polla
All Man
After giving women a chance to speak out, Barbara Polla now tells us men’s secrets
Alain Bentolila
All about scholl
This is a brilliant, clearly argued demonstration of how the inability of the school system to evolve and develop a critical spirit may lead to the general failure of our entire society.
Delphine Lhuillery, Erick Petit, Eric Sauvanet
All about endometriosis Relieving pain, curing illness
This is the first scientific and accessible book on endometriosis, this specifically female disease, which is still too little known to patients, but also to the medical profession.