Results for the keyword empire
Philippe Moreau Desfarges
A History of Peace Ideas for the Future
An original thesis: peace is inescapable (in spite of all the resurgence of wars); it will be contractual and democratic (in spite of the reforming of empires).
François Heisbourg
The Age of Predators: China, America, Russia, and Us
A book that explains our present and clarifies our future.
François Tavoillot, Pierre-Henri Tavoillot
The Bee (and the) Philosopher An Amazing Journey into the Hive of Wisdom
The history of Western philosophy and culture, seen from the bee’s perspective
Michel Cartier
China and the West A Five-Hundred-Year History
The history of Chinese-Western relations — a tale of fascination and fear — recounted by a historian specialising in the Far East
Results : 1 to 7 from 7 books