Results for the keyword narcissism

Jean Cottraux
All Narcissists
A fascinating reflection on our times. Scientific tools (questionnaires, tests) presented in France for the first time. Therapeutic pathways and case studies of treatment.

Danièle Brun
The Harm That Fathers Do
A book that delves into the role fathers play in their children’s upbringing

François Lelord, Christophe André
How to Manage Difficult People
In this book, François Lelord and Christophe André provide advice drawn from their own vast experience, on how to better understand and manage these difficult personalities.

Olivier Bouvet de la Maisonneuve
Narcissus and Oedipus Go to Hollywood Psychoanalysis with Depression
Art and creativity can help us understand depression and how the psyche works

Willy Pasini
The Nuisance People
Does your best friend never seem to overcome any of her problems? Does your boss seem overly anxious? Is your partner depressed because he feels inadequate? Even though you may feel that life is generally uncomplicated and happy, recently youve been having trouble coping and fighting off the ambient dejection and the psychological problems of everyone around you. Based on numerous case studies, Willy Pasini reviews the different types of situations that are likely to spoil your everyday life so you can avoid this kind of trouble in the future.

Massimo Recalcati
The Telemachus complex Fathers’ New Identity: Reconstructing a Paternal Image
A clear-sighted, indispensable work to understand the changing role of fathers in today’s society
Results : 1 to 8 from 8 books