Results for the keyword prospective
Jean-Joseph Boillot, Stanislas Dembinski
Chindiafrique The Three Giants That Will Make Tomorrow’s World
An indispensable essay on future economic trends for anyone wishing to understand tomorrow’s world
Bernard Walliser
Cognitive Economics
This book should help readers gain a greater understanding of economic reasoning and rationality. It shows how a period of study and apprenticeship can improve the otherwise limited rationality of economic decisions-makers, how to co-ordinate the various actors expectations in a given situation, and how speculation results from the circulation of the opinions of the economic decision-makers. Bernard Walliser teaches economics at the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées.
Jean-Baptiste de Foucauld, Robert Fraisse
The France of the Future
What will France be like in twenty years ? Faced with the fear of the future, with the current unease and confusion of French citizens, we need to change the way we look at things. We must stop asking ourselves about individualism in our society and look for answers to the mounting solitude. Stop theorizing about immigration problems and find the keys to demographic evolution. Stop fearing the invasion of the immaterial and start looking for the the new social fabric of tomorrow. We must suggest some possible plans of action and thought processes, provide some sketches of tomorrow's France, among the risks and hopes, to get some new perspectives.
Roger-Pol Droit, Dan Sperber
Ideas on the Way
What ideas can we expect to see develop in the coming years? And how will they modify our conceptions of thought? What impact will they have on our personal existence, our daily reality, our rules for life? Will the intellectual models that are now emerging soon be influencing policy decisions? At a moment as symbolic as the beginning of a new millenium, we wanted to bring together the elements of thought which permit us to better respond to these questions." Roger-Pol Droit and Dan Sperber Both authors work at the Centre National de Rècherche Scientifique.
Philippe Durance, Régine Monti
The Long Term as a Horizon How do companies take the future into account and anticipate what lies ahead?
Interviews with senior executives of major companies: Danone, Michelin, Saint-Gobain, SPIE, Veolia, Caisse des Dépôts, Malakoff Médéric etc. Long-term issues are essential to corporate strategy and management.
Jacques Lesourne
Reflecting on the Future
Instead of describing a ready-made methodology, the author, an eminent prospectivist, shows us how to picture the future.
Nicole Delattre, Daniel Widlöcher
Reviewing Psychoanalysis
The task that the authors, Nicole Delattre et Daniel Widlöcher, have set themselves in this book is to take stock of what is useful and reliable in psychoanalysis today. Daniel Widlöcher sets out his view of this unique discipline, and the great concepts that it brings together, in addition to observing its pioneers and different spheres. In particular, he outlines his vision of the future of psychoanalysis, which is presently enjoying a revival. A professor at the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Daniel Widlöcher has for many years headed the psychiatry department at the Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. He is the president of the International Association of Psychoanalysis and is notably the author of Métapsychologie du sens, of Logiques de la dépression and of Nouvelles Cartes de la psychanalyse. Nicole Delattre is a professor of philosophy
Results : 1 to 7 from 7 books