Results for the keyword psychological trauma
Jean-Pierre Pourtois, Huguette Desmet
At the Heart of Resilience
A reference text for mental health and education professionals, and theoretical and practical resources to help people as they recover.
Aldo Naouri
Bits of Existence
Short, narrative texts in which Aldo Naouri reflects on his formative life experiences that constructed the man he became and the pediatrician that has taken care of children his entire life.
Marion Robin
Deeply Troubled Teens in Search of Life-giving Support Treating troubled teens in a society paralyzed by its own fears
Written by a young child psychiatrist in touch with the anxiety experienced by teenagers and their parents. Beyond adolescent malaise, the book examines the fears of French society and methods for overcoming feelings of powerlessness.
Christian Zaczyk
Healing Trauma with Brainspotting
A novel psychotherapeutic technique from the United States, not based on talking, and which produces rather surprising results.
Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
Healing Your Life An Inner Journey
A new look at the healing process that urges you to transform yourself and your existence
Hélène Romano
Helping the Child in Trouble Separation, Aggression, Traumatism
A response adapted to the growing violence occurring in our societies, from school bullying to terrorist attacks. Contains many practical examples and explanations, clear and concrete guidance to help parents help their children and make them feel secure.
Yasmine Liénard
How Meditation Can Help You to Really Be Yourself Meditation, a path to finding your true Self
Dealing with and resolving the widespread malaise and mental suffering that characterise the society we live in. A psychological approach inspired by Buddhism.
Thomas Langlois
I Hear Voices – So What? Living With One’s Voices and Auditory Hallucinations
Hearing voices is a phenomenon that is much more common that one might imagine. According to studies, 10 – 39% of the population hear voices.