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Coralie Miller, Dominique Miller
First Lady
Written by a mother and her daughter, a surprising work that launches the reader into fictional tremors while plunging him or her into the depths of analytical reflections on women and politics.
Raphaële Miljkovitch, François Poisson
Another Path To Parenting For Mindful and Thoughtful Education
An original concept of parenting
Moïra Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam
The Parent Burnout Avoiding it and getting away with it
Parental burn-out, a societal phenomenon that we are just beginning to talk about.
Moïra Mikolajczak, Isabelle Roskam
The Parent Burnout Avoiding it and getting away with it
Parental burn-out, a societal phenomenon that we are just beginning to talk about.
Sophie deMijolla-Mellor
At the risk of the order
Could order exist in the absence of any sort of authority to enforce it?
François-Bernard Michel
Van Gogh Psychological Portrait Of the Creative Genius
A fascinating psychological portrait of a brilliant painter that illuminates the complexity of the creative genius
Yves Michaud
China Today Volume 8
China is a nation at the crossroads of tradition and modernity. In this previously unpublished volume in the series "lUniversité de tous les savoirs", the authors review the present-day situation and ask the following questions: How should Chinas current political system be defined? What is Chinas position in the world today? What are the different aspects of cultural and intellectual life in China? This is a novel approach to a history of contemporary China. Contributions by Marie-Claire Bergère, Michel Bonnin, Charles Chauderlot, Anne Cheng, Yves Chevrier, Jean-Luc Domenach, Françoise Ged, François Godement, Wang Shaoqi, Joël Thoraval, Léon Vandermeersch, Chu Xiao-Quan.