
Biographies, Memoirs All books

17 Women Who Won a Nobel Prize for Science
A Biography of Alberto Giacometti
A Child in the War: Memoirs
A female mathematician in this strange universe
A François Roustang Reader
A Life on Pointe - Dance as destiny
A Musical Life
A Neurological Passion - Jules and Augusta Dejerine
A Politically Committed Family
A Portrait of My Father - George H. W. Bush
A Shell in the Middle of the Ear - Science, Education, and Other Shores
A World Transformed
Abd el-Kader, Apostle of Reconciliation
Against All the Odds
An Arab from France - A life beyond prejudice
As Days Go By
Auguste Comte - Politics and Science
Between Two Cultures
Beyond All Frontiers (New Edition)
Bits of Existence

Results : 1 to 32 from 113 books