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Malinka Dauverné
Early Bonding Advice for Parents
A book for parents to help them bond and establish a good relationship with their child, from the start.

Claude Béata
Dog Psychology Stress, anxiety and depression
Many dogs suffer from such psychological problems as phobias, hyperactivity, separation anxiety and depression. This book recounts the stories of seven dogs, whose behaviour had become so erratic that their owners were on the verge of getting rid of them. Their veterinarian (the author) presents their stories as an investigation, taking the reader back to the origin of each disorder and then describing the form of therapy he used to enable each dog and its owner to cohabit in harmony. Written in a lively, often humorous style, this practical book will help readers understand the emotional life and behaviour of dogs. The chapters are presented in the form of accessible stories interspersed with sidebars containing relatively more technical information. Claude Béata is a behaviourist veterinarian and a member of the European College of Behaviourist Veterinarians. A specialist in emotional attachment, he is the co-author, with Boris Cyrulnik, of several interdisciplinary studies in comparative pathology.

Jean-Marie Bourre
The Dietetics of the Brain
How should you eat to improve how you think? This book sounds the death knell of repressive rules of nutrition and celebrates the joys of the food-loving, gourmet brain. What is the greatest nutritional risk? An unbalanced diet. By providing the keys to proper nutrition, this book shows the way to greater mental awareness, energy, health and fulfilment, while respecting the real needs of both the body and the brain that most crucial organ. Throughout the book, pleasure (adapted to every budget) remains one of the authors main concerns. Jean-Marie Bourre heads a research team specialising in the chemistry of the brain, at INSERM.

Jean-Marie Bourre
The Dietetics of the Brain New Edition
How should we eat to think well and work productively? J.-M. Bourre, a neurotoxicologist, celebrates the pleasures of a greedy brain, a gastronomical brain. He takes us on a fascinating exploration of the complex chemistry which links our brain to our plate in the world of proteins, vitamins, mineral salts, and lipids. By providing the keys to proper nutrition, this book shows the way to greater mental awareness, energy, health and fulfilment, while respecting the real needs of both the body and the brain that most crucial organ. Throughout the book, pleasure (adapted to every budget) remains one of the authors main concerns.