History and Geopolitics All books
Thérèse Delpech
Nuclear Deterrence in the 21st Century Lessons from the Cold War for a New Era of Strategic Piracy
Nuclear weapons and the challenges ahead: a fascinating study by a leading expert
Pierre Grosser
A Pact With the Devil? The Challenges of Contemporary Diplomacy
Pierre Grosser is an expert in the history of international relations and in the post-Cold War period.
Liliane Kandel
Feminism and Nazism
The essays in this volume examine the history of womens movements during the Nazi era. The writers included here, representing a wide range of interests and backgrounds, review the various interpretations of this period given by feminist historiography today. The authors underlying assumption is that if the perspective of gender can cast light on the way we "read" certain situations and individual destinies, then, in turn, the history of the twentieth century, including the history of feminism with its upheavals and fractures, can help us to understand what is at stake in feminist studies as reflected in contemporary discussions. Liliane Kandel is a sociologist and feminist.
Rachel Mazuy
Believing Rather Than Seeing ? Travels in Soviet Russia (1919-1939)
The Russian Revolution provided the working-class movement with a concrete model of socialism. For French militants, as well as for many members of the cultural and political elite, the Soviet Union became the goal of a secular pilgrimage (or an anti-pilgrimage). This book tells the story of those travellers. Who went on such trips? How and why? To what extent did the trip influence their political and social development? Rachel Mazuy is a lecturer at the Institut dEtudes Politiques, in Paris, and teaches at the Lycée Honoré Balzac, Paris.
Israël Finkelstein
The Forgotten Biblical Kingdom
One of the world’s greatest archaeologists reveals what the Bible doesn’t tell us.
Sylvie Schweitzer
Women Have Always Worked A History of Working Women in the 19th Century
For women, the victory of recent years is one of empowerment in their professional lives: they now have the means to compete with men in every field. Yet societys traditional image of what is a male or female profession remains very powerful. In 2001, French women had managed to enter professions that were previously practically closed to them but French men are still reluctant to enter traditionally female professions. This book reviews two centuries of womens work. It shows that women have always worked but not everywhere. Womens access to increasingly prized jobs goes hand in hand with economic and global development.