Human Sciences All books
Pascal Salin
True Liberalism A Critical History of Economic and Fiscal Policies
A notable figure of liberalism in France, Pascal Salin is former president of the Société du Mont-Pèlerin, and is the author of many seminal works on liberalism.
Michel Aglietta
Transforming the Growth System
An essential book for thinking in other ways about the relationships between finance, growth, and the climate, and for situating oneself within a long term perspective.
Éric Crubézy
At the Origins of Funerary Rituals Seeing, Hiding, Making Sacred
From prehistory to history, descriptions of funeral rituals, known or less so, with first-hand documentation.
André Lévy-Lang
The Revolution of Finance: Act II
Precise, concrete, this book will enthrall anyone who is interested in economics and finance and in new technologies.
Alain Bauer, Marie-Christine Dupuis-Danon
The Protectors An Inside History of the French Gendarmerie
Following Les Guetteurs [the Lookouts], the first history of French Intelligence as told by its heads, here is Les Protecteurs, the inside history of the National Gendarmerie.
Bruno Humbeeck
Against Harassment at School, at Work, and On the Net
Concrete solutions for an individual to escape the violent situation he or she is enduring, but also in the form of guidelines for prevention in the professional or educational realm.
Marc Augé
A realistic and almost contemporary story that questions the progress of medicine and our quest for immortality.
Jean-François Bensahel
Confronting the New World Epistle to Paul and to Our Contemporaries
It so happens that a man was confronted with the same challenges, experienced the same anguish...