Human Sciences All books
Pascal Salin
True Liberalism A Critical History of Economic and Fiscal Policies
A notable figure of liberalism in France, Pascal Salin is former president of the Société du Mont-Pèlerin, and is the author of many seminal works on liberalism.
Antonin Bergeaud, Gilbert Cette, Rémy Lecat
The True Impacts of Growth Toward an Awakening?
A condensed look at what you should know to understand what is at stake in the current debate on growth
Édouard Gentaz
The True Contribution of Neuroscience to School A Neuromyth?
A clear and practical book, based on several multidisciplinary studies, which critically evaluates the true contribution of neuroscience to teaching and learning.
Emmanuel Terray
The Trial of the Revolution
In the first part, the author begins by letting the prosecution talk about the French Revolution. In the second part, Emmanuel Terray asks: where are we today, after two other revolutions, in Russia and in China?
Michel Aglietta
Transforming the Growth System
An essential book for thinking in other ways about the relationships between finance, growth, and the climate, and for situating oneself within a long term perspective.
Gilles Teneau, Géraldine Lemoine
Toxic Handlers Generators of Goodwill in Companies
Criteria to enable HR professionals and company managers to recognize, recruit, and support these unique personalities who are so valuable to organizations.
Jean Jouzel, Pierre Larrouturou
To avoid climate and financial chaos
America First! Donald Trump decided to pull the United States out of the Paris Agreement. Europa First! We want Europe to be the first to prove “grandeur nature,” to show that not only is safeguarding the climate not an obstacle to social well-being, but that the struggle against climate deregulation is a powerful means to fight against unemployment and insecurity.
Alain Ehrenberg
Tired of Yourself Depression and Society
Examining the changes that have occurred since the 19th century in both psychiatry and society at large, this book shows how the internal collapse that is depression is the ultimate symbol of our culture of powerlessness. The depressed person cannot rise above the demands imposed on him or that he imposes on himself. He has no recourse but fatigue, inhibition, and indecision. But what does it mean to learn to be oneself? Is our society merely creating huge numbers of hypochondriacs? Can we any longer draw a line between the small unhappinesses and frustrations of daily life, and pathological suffering? Alain Ehrenberg is a sociologist.
Philippe Kourilsky
The Time of the altruism
An eminent scientist tells us how to alter our thinking so that we can finally face the present global challenges with effective common actions.
Pascal Picq, François Savigny
The tiger is charged with symbolism. In myth and poetry it represents untamed force that can strike suddenly; it can appear stealthily out of nowhere, and vanish just as suddenly.