Anthropology, Ethnology All books

Alain Froment
Amazing Anatomy The Human Body and Evolution
A remarkable description of the human body, as seen through the history and evolution of the many living species that humans evolved from

Pascal Picq
And Evolution Created Woman Sexual Coercion and Violence in Men
An accessible, compelling assessment of what has been learned concerning the relationships between the sexes/genders from an evolutionary point of view.

Maurice Bloch
The Anthropology and the Cognitive Challenge
An introduction to cognitive anthropology by one of the world’s most distinguished anthropologists

Pascal Picq
Artificial Intelligence and the Chimpanzees of the Future For an Anthropology of Intelligence
Confronted with future challenges connected with the emergence of AI, a lucid and enlightening look by a paleoanthropologist, specialist in evolution.

Sylvie Cadolle
Being a Step-parent The Recomposition of the Family
More than one million children in France live permanently or occasionally with a step-parent. What place does a step-parent hold in the family of a child whose parents are divorced or separated? What role does he or she play? Is it sufficient to know how to love in order to succeed in reconstructing a family? This is the first French investigation into the relations between step-parents and step-children that allows both the adults and the children to freely express themselves. Sylvie Cadolle teaches philosophy and educational sociology.

Gilles Tétart
The Blood of Poets
The first and constant motive of my scientific life has always been the blood, and its formation, diseases and mutations. During the day, I studied corpuscles and serums. In the evening I read or reread poetry. Sometimes I came across blood once again. An intuition, an allusion of a poet came to clarify my clinical or biological reflections of the next day. These kind of exchanges have inspired this book, which constitutes a personal anthology. It is the same blood which runs in the veins of Iphigenis before the planned sacrifice, as wriggles under our gaze using the microscope, and as draws our eyes to the lips it colours The present anthology bears witness to this unity and this diversity of the blood. Jean Bernard Jean Bernard is a member of the Acadamié française

Françoise Héritier, Margarita Xanthakou
Body and Affects
The articles gathered here, written by eminent French anthropologists, present a novel angle on the way societies function. The writers argue that because societies are not abstract intellectual constructions, they cannot be dissociated from the physical individuals that constitute them, or from the affects (feelings and emotions) expressed by them. Included here are studies of Western and non-Western societies on such subjects as skin colour, religious rituals involving animals, witchcraft and flying sorcerers, passion in traditional North African cultures, and breast-feeding (both induced lactation to breastfeed infant girls and spontaneous lactation to breastfeed infant boys) in parts of Italy. Françoise Héritier is an anthropologist and teaches at the Collège de France. She is the author of Les Deux Soeurs et leur mère and Masculin/Féminin I and II, published by Editions Odile Jacob. Margarita Xanthakou, an anthropologist, is a research fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, Lluis Quintana-Murci
Civilizations: Questioning Identity and Diversity: Autumn Colloquium of the Collège de France
The noun “civilization” entered Western European vocabulary in the Eighteenth Century, and at that time denoted a stage of material, social, and cultural evolution...

Philippe Descola
Claude Lévi-Strauss, A Journey Through the Century
Eminent specialists on Claude Lévi-Strauss, his disciples and intellectual heirs, from Brazil, Canada, France and the U.S., give us a wide-ranging view of every facet of the works and thought of the author...

Alain Prochiantz
Darwin: 200 Years
More than an homage to a great scientist, this book, written by eminent specialists, is a perfect introduction to understanding the impact of Darwinism on contemporary thinking and science

Marc Abélès
Diary of an Anthropologist From May '68 to the Gilet Jaunes
The story of an intellectual and political commitment that takes its roots in May 68. From May 68 to the Yellow Vests, an anthropologist's look and analysis of new forms of political expression