Medicine All books
Petr Skrabanek
The End of Humanitarian Medicine
Medicine is at a crossroads. Traditionally, practitioners helped patients who came to them looking for support, for something to alleviate their suffering. However, the progress which has been accomplished in the last few decades has changed everything. Doctors now claim to be fighting death itself, they believe medicine to have almost limitless powers, and they try to prevent illness by changing behaviour. From this point onwards, our entire existence becomes overmedicalized. In the name of health at any price, doctors now dictate, prescribe and legislate whilst forgetting the essential meaning of their job : to help and to care. A violent criticism of contemporary medicine.
Philippe Siou
Starting with an account from the field written in an unrestrained tone by a practitioner dealing with a patient’s end of life, an unprecedented questioning on the deontology of a doctor and the intricacies of our hospital system.
Guy Simonnet, Bernard Laurent, David Le Breton
Humans In Pain
A complete analysis of the phenomenon of pain on three levels: neurobiological, medical, and anthropological.
Maxime Schwartz, Jean Castex
The Discovery of the AIDS virus The Truth about Gallo/Montagnier affair
In Stockholm, on 10 December 2008, the King of Sweden awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine to Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier, for their discovery of the AIDS virus...
Annick Perrot, Maxime Schwartz
The Genius of Pasteur: Saving the ‘Poilus’
How Pasteur and his followers saved lives and changed the course of the war in 1914-1918
Ilya Savatovsky
The Prostate Cancer
Finding out more about prostate cancer to prevent it or overcome it
Philippe Sansonetti
Yes, vaccines are necessary to good health. Fighting against short memory: who would want to return to the epidemics of the past? Why are vaccines crucial to health? An articulate and uncompromising argument.
Jacques Saglier, Joseph Gligorov
Breast Cancer Knowledge Empowers
A new, completely revised and expanded edition of a book that has become a reference work for thousands of patients
Bernard Sablonnière
The Mysteries of the Human Body
Do your organs interest you? In this new book, Professor Sablonnière offers a guided tour of them, a new Fantastic Voyage that plunges us into the mysteries of the body and its arcana.