Medicine All books

Albert Najman
Creating Blood, Bone Marrow
The most recent discoveries in the functioning of bone marrow represent a great hope for treating diseases such as thalassemia, leukemia, lymphoma, and others.

Boris Cyrulnik, Patrick Lemoine
The Crazy History of Crazy Ideas in Psychiatry
A lively and illuminating perspective on the history of a discipline that is still young. Unusual reflections on the future of treatment for psychiatric illness, based on past mistakes. Suggestions for helping the near future to become the Golden Age of psychiatry.

Jean-Philippe Derenne
All that we know about the plasticity of this virus, which is constantly mutating and changing, which makes it completely unpredictable. Even in countries where the crisis was believed to be over (China, Iceland, Slovakia, etc.), new cases are emerging.

Julien Cohen-Solal
Cinq sous de glace Fifty Years of Pediatrics
Julien Cohen-Solal has made some of the greatest progress over the past several decades in France in understanding the needs of young children. After many of his books have become classics in the field and served as landmarks to many families, Cohen-Solal tells today of his childhood and adolescence in Algeria during the 30s and 40s, of his discovery of the Parisian post-war medical world, of the influences and discoveries that punctuated his education, and of relationships with parents and children that were important to him. Now is the occassion to celebrate fifty years of pediatrics in France, fifty years of scientific, clinical, and psychological advances.