Medicine All books

Philippe Siou
Starting with an account from the field written in an unrestrained tone by a practitioner dealing with a patient’s end of life, an unprecedented questioning on the deontology of a doctor and the intricacies of our hospital system.

Patrice Debré, Jean-Paul Gonzalez
The Life and Death of Epidemics
A fascinating history of epidemics and the struggle to overcome them, from earliest times to the present

Philippe Pédrot
Judging What Cannot Be Decided The Body Seized by the Law
This is a careful study of the cataclysm that biomedical technology has wreaked on procreation, gestation, life and death.

Bruno Millet-Ilharreguy
Improved Therapies for OCD Brain Stimulation Offers Hope
A new therapy to overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Éric Vivier, Marc Daëron
Immunotherapy of cancers History of a medical revolution
This book tells the story of the research and ideas that led to this medical revolution.

Jacques Thèze
The Immune System’s Strategies Developing New Treatments for Major Diseases
Ground-breaking approaches to the treatment of major diseases

Laura Arnal, Charlotte Guttinger
I Beat Lyme’s Disease
With climate change, there is a risk of a proliferation of ticks and contractions of the disease. The book reads like a novel; alongside the main story, other accounts illuminate the struggles of Lyme disease sufferers.

Patrick Bellet
Hypnosis, or How to Make Healthcare More Humane
Using hypnosis to improve personal healthcare

Guy Simonnet, Bernard Laurent, David Le Breton
Humans In Pain
A complete analysis of the phenomenon of pain on three levels: neurobiological, medical, and anthropological.

Henri Rozenbaum
How to have a Happy Menopause
The low-down on everything we know about the symptoms of the menopause today, from prevention to treatment. Constituting a small scale medical encyclopaedia, this book answers your questions and allows you to identify the most suitable treatment for your own particular case. For a better quality of life, better health, and a happy menopause. Gynaecologist, and president and founder of the French Association for Menopausal Studies, Dr Henri Rozenbaum is one of the most renowned international experts in the area of the menopause.