Medicine All books
Boris Cyrulnik, Patrick Lemoine
The Crazy History of Crazy Ideas in Psychiatry
A lively and illuminating perspective on the history of a discipline that is still young. Unusual reflections on the future of treatment for psychiatric illness, based on past mistakes. Suggestions for helping the near future to become the Golden Age of psychiatry.
Patrick Clervoy
The Power of Mind over Body
The role and the power of the mind in healing: a completely new approach. An approach that looks to history, philosophy, biology, psychiatry – all that goes into the healing process.
André Grimaldi, Didier Tabuteau, François Bourdillon, Frédéric Pierru, Olivier Lyon-Caen
Manifesto for Fair and Egalitarian Healthcare
In the run-up to the French presidential elections, two healthcare specialists denounce the constant and catastrophic deterioration of hospitals in France — and propose effective solutions
Anne de Kervasdoué
Women and Hormonal Treatments
A subject that concerns many women as they approach menopause.
Martine Perez
Why Smoking Should Be Banned
A journalistic investigation by a health expert who brings to our attention the real — and imagined — health risks
David Khayat
The Paths of Hope
The progress made in cancer research and the advances in therapeutics have become such that they open before us, without any doubt, marvellous paths towards hope. It is these paths that I suggest we discover together. David Khayat David Khayat is a professor at the Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University and the head of the cancer team at the La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital.
Nicolas Danchin
Heart Disease
oronary artery disease is the most common type of heart disease — and the one that has benefited most from the medical advances of the past twenty years.
Philippe Pédrot
Judging What Cannot Be Decided The Body Seized by the Law
This is a careful study of the cataclysm that biomedical technology has wreaked on procreation, gestation, life and death.
Michel Aubier
What to do to overcome asthma, an increasingly common disorder among children and teenagers?
Thanh Hoang-Xuan
Cataracts From diagnosis to treatment
Everything you should know about cataracts before and after the procedure
Henri Rozenbaum
How to have a Happy Menopause
The low-down on everything we know about the symptoms of the menopause today, from prevention to treatment. Constituting a small scale medical encyclopaedia, this book answers your questions and allows you to identify the most suitable treatment for your own particular case. For a better quality of life, better health, and a happy menopause. Gynaecologist, and president and founder of the French Association for Menopausal Studies, Dr Henri Rozenbaum is one of the most renowned international experts in the area of the menopause.
Réginald Allouche
The Love of Sugar and the Risk of Diabetes
How to avoid developing diabetes: identifying the first warning signs and understanding our craving for sugar