Medicine All books
Pierre Joly
The Medication of the Future
This is a critical assessment of the pharmacological revolution of the past forty years, written by an insider and active participant...
Patrick Berche
Should We Still Be Afraid of the Flu?
The fascinating history of influenza, from the Middle Ages to the recent reappearance of a virus that had been vanquished
Gustave-Nicolas Fischer
The Psychology of Cancer A New Approach
Finally, a unique, rigorous analysis of the links between cancer and the psyche
Marie-Christine Hardy-Baylé, Christine Bronnec
What are the Limits of Psychiatry ?
On the one hand, an ever increasing demand, on the other, widespread agreement that the profession in is the grip of a crisis. The result is that the supply is badly equipped to deal with the demand. What are the origins of this crisis ? Does it run as deep as the very foundations and identity of psychiatry itself ? In particular, what can be done to transform this natural diversity into a real strength ? Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Marie-Christine Hardy-Baylé works at the André-Mignot hospital, and is a professor of medicine at the University of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. She heads the Association for the Promotion of Public Health of Yvelines Sud. A hospital director, Christine Bronnec, is in charge of the ANEAS project to evaluate psychiatric needs, and is co-president of the Association for the Promotion of Public Health of Yvelines Sud.
Yves Pouliquen, Jean-Jacques Saragoussi
Glasses or Laser?
New ways of correcting failing eyesight have been developed as a consequence of our increased lifespan...