New releases
François Roustang, Ève-Alice Roustang
The Third Man Between Personal Breakdown and Catholic Crisis
An important stage in the intellectual journey of François Roustang, presented by Ève-Alice Roustang, a writer and daughter of the author. The text of François Roustang is put into perspective by three eminent specialists of the history of Catholicism.
Sébastien Balibar
A Tormented Scientist
A key, virtually unknown, moment in the history of science.When science emigrates under pressure from totalitarianism.
Yves Michaud, Valérie Julien Grésin
Digital Mutation, and the Human Responsibility of Leaders
This book responds to a need being expressed increasingly within corporations to find the tools for reflection and discernment.
Éric Vivier, Marc Daëron
Immunotherapy of cancers History of a medical revolution
This book tells the story of the research and ideas that led to this medical revolution.
François Saint-Pierre
The Law against the demons of politics
If in the future even a government resulting from regular elections decided to implement an unworthy policy, contrary to the fundamental rights of people, could the justice system oppose it and defend the essential, the rule of law?