New releases
Barbara Polla
A Woman First
A unique, personal and passionate approach to a fundamental question: the position of the two sexes, face to face and in the world.
Tobie Nathan, Nathalie Zajde
Democratic Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is gripped by an intense paradox. It is being attacked (apparently justifiably) on all sides....
Christian Saint-Étienne
Europe’s Wild Card The Real Solution to Exit the Economic Crisis
Christian Saint-Etienne argues that the European project was built on a fallacious concept from the start. The premises were false and Europe has become the world’s “soft underbelly”.
Raphaël Hadas-Lebel
The Future of France’s Fifth Republic and Its Institutions in 18 Questions
Should France abandon the five-year presidential term? Should it proscribe political cohabitation (following the failure of the presidential party to acquire a parliamentary majority)? Is a second chamber necessary? How can the Constitutional Council be made to evolve?
Nicolas Danchin
Heart Disease
oronary artery disease is the most common type of heart disease — and the one that has benefited most from the medical advances of the past twenty years.
Jean-Claude Archambault
Psychiatric Evaluation
Understanding the place of psychiatric evaluation in the judicial process: role, goals, task summary. How to evaluate and assess what does (or does not) derive from mental disorders.