Psychology All books

Jean-Luc Aubert
My teen and I Understanding Your Child
Understanding your teenage son or daughter and reopening a dialogue

Jean-Luc Aubert
How to Motivate Your Child at School
The critical role of the first 7 years for a development of the desire to discover and to know innate in all children.

Governing is an Ambition For Which One Must Have Talent
What is power? This wonderfully written book, powerfully argued, enhanced with contemporary examples, attempts to respond to that crucial question.

Jean-Claude Archambault
Psychiatric Evaluation
Understanding the place of psychiatric evaluation in the judicial process: role, goals, task summary. How to evaluate and assess what does (or does not) derive from mental disorders.

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Slimming is simple and in your head
A visionary approach that very early on stressed the importance of the relationship between the body and the psyche in problems relating to weight-loss.

Gérard Apfeldorfer
Dare to Live, Dare to Die Taking hold of death in order to live fully
The delicate issue of choosing to die is raised, explained, and critiqued. A generous book with lively prose, including many anecdotal stories.