Psychology All books
Vincent Trybou, Baptiste Brossard, Marianne Kedia
Self-harm Understanding and Treatment
The first book to offer a complete and pragmatic approach to the treatment of self-harm behavior
Sophie Tran Van, Emmanuel Goldenberg
How My Shrink Saved My Life A Patient and Her Therapist Open Up
A true story, that of encountering, and curing, a young patient at her wits end who staked everything on a final treatment with a therapist.
Polo Tonka
I Am the Crazy One
In the vein of his earlier work, the author, a true writer, speaks with great clarity about his mental state, and shares the excesses of it with humor and irony.
Polo Tonka
Conversation with Myself
How does one live with schizophrenia? This exceptional document gives an inside view of the disorder.