Psychology All books

Jean-Baptiste Fages
History of Psychoanalysis after Freud (New Edition)
For all those who want an introduction in simple terms to psychoanalytical thinking this book highlights the great post-Freudian figures and principal movements. It examines in their turn the individuals who have made remarkable contributions (such as Sandor Ferenczi), those who were leaders and their spheres of influence (Adler, Jung, Lacan), the personalities united by their research area (for example the child psychoanalysis of Anna Freud and Mélanie Klein) or by cultural convergence (such as the New York School, the cultural tendency, etc.). Sociologist, and doctor of the history of philosophy, Jean-Baptiste Fages teaches at the Sorbonne in the capacity of CELSA.

Stephan Eliez
Being a Parent and Liking Yourself As You Did Before The Strength of Mentalization within the Couple
A clearly-written and practical work, the result of more than twenty years of clinical practice and research on parents, children, and, of course, couples.

Caroline Eliacheff
À corps et à cris How to psychoanalyse young children
Oliver, Zoe, Mathias and the others are children of grief. They barely speak. They have faced innumerable trials: unknown mothers, abandon, adoption, even separation from imprisoned parents. Traditional medicine allows them to survive, but cannot teach them to live. Is there a solution? This book attempts to reach these neglected children and, through words, to heal. Caroline Eliacheff is a psychoanalyst who counts among her published works Les Indomptables, written in conjunction with Ginette Raimbault.