Psychology All books

Saïda Douki Dedieu, Hager Karray
The Veil on the Couch Hidden ramifications unveiled
The visible or hidden ramifications of the headscarf explained from the point of view of two psychiatrists who aim to reveal its importance in the status and mental health of women, from its origins to the present.

Barbara Donville
New Paths for Navigating Autism in Children
Autistic children are misunderstood because they think and act in ways that are unfamiliar to the rest of us. A therapist brings her personal experience to the subject in this profound yet practical book.

Orna Donath
Regretting Being a Mother Being a Mother and Being Oneself Isn’t Easy
A controversial subject: one can have children, love them, and think that one has not completely succeeded in life. A book based on a fieldwork survey. The words of liberated women.

Martin Desseilles, Moïra Mikolajczak
Living better With Your Emotions
Learning to master your emotions will make you stronger to overcome life’s difficulties