Psychology All books

Stanislas Dehaene
Learning to Read A New Approach Based on the Neurosciences
A new method to teach reading skills, based on recent research in the neurosciences, for the use of parents and teachers.

Stanislas Dehaene
A clear and precise explanation of the essential mechanisms that make our brain the most efficient tool for learning that we know of today...

Stanislas Dehaene
Science Helping Schools
Presented in a concise and clear way, the most important discoveries concerning the brains of the youngest students.

Henri Danon-Boileau, Gérard Dedieu-Anglade
A Certain Kind of Stubbornness Living With Very Old Age
A reflection on the profound changes imposed by old age; an analysis of the dead ends it can lead to and what to do to keep on loving life and others.

Cécile David-Weill
Parents Under the Influence Are we condemned to repeat our parents' education?
Tools to help parents in everyday life, with recommendations and questionnaires. A helpful reflection that liberates us from guilt. A frank, far-sighted and practical guide that understands parents' needs