Psychology All books

Stanislas Dehaene
A clear and precise explanation of the essential mechanisms that make our brain the most efficient tool for learning that we know of today...

Stanislas Dehaene
Science Helping Schools
Presented in a concise and clear way, the most important discoveries concerning the brains of the youngest students.

Stanislas Dehaene, Christine Petit
Words and Music Genesis of human dialogue
Speech and music shape social cognition through shared emotional states, intentions, symbols and cultures...

Henri Danon-Boileau, Gérard Dedieu-Anglade
A Certain Kind of Stubbornness Living With Very Old Age
A reflection on the profound changes imposed by old age; an analysis of the dead ends it can lead to and what to do to keep on loving life and others.

Cécile David-Weill
Parents Under the Influence Are we condemned to repeat our parents' education?
Tools to help parents in everyday life, with recommendations and questionnaires. A helpful reflection that liberates us from guilt. A frank, far-sighted and practical guide that understands parents' needs