Psychology All books
Jean-Pierre Danjean
Living With and Overcoming Chronic Fatigue
Preventing, understanding and overcoming chronic fatigue — a condition that was not recognised as a disease until 1988
Bernard Granger, Daria Karaklic
Borderline Personality Disorder
If you suffer from borderline personality disorder take heart — it is not irreversible!
Christine Mirabel-Sarron, Nayla Chidiac
Managing Your Time Well
Feeling overwhelmed and short of time is not inevitable. We can all “make” time and lead better lives.
Marc Willard
Preventing and Overcoming Job-related Depression
How to prevent and overcome workplace-related depression
Daniel Sibony
From Identity to Existence The Jewish People’s Contribution
How the uniqueness of the Jewish people can help us all —Jews and non-Jews
Stanislas Dehaene
Learning to Read A New Approach Based on the Neurosciences
A new method to teach reading skills, based on recent research in the neurosciences, for the use of parents and teachers.
Xavier Pommereau Follow Their Progress
A new method to understand and treat troubled adolescents based on their own lifestyle