General Psychology All books
Steven Laureys
Meditation and Brain
A study of the brain of one of the greatest meditators by one of the most brilliant neurologists today.
Martine Lani-Bayle
The Power of Weakness
Physical sciences and life sciences help to understand this psychological process.
Harlan Lane
When the Mind Hears A History of the Deaf
This historical work recounts the struggle of deaf-mutes against prejudice, so that their rights and their language, sign language, were recognised. The people figuring in this book run from the abbey de l'Épée to Laurent Clerc, the spokesman for this community in the United States. A linguist, psychologist, and specialist in sign language, Harlan Lane teaches in Boston. He is the author of The Wild Child of Aveyron, which inspired the famous film by François Truffaut.
Harlan Lane
When the Mind Hears (Coll. Opus) A History of the Deaf
This historical work recounts the struggle of deaf-mutes against prejudice, so that their rights and their language, sign language, were recognised. The people figuring in this book run from the abbey de l'Épée to Laurent Clerc, the spokesman for this community in the United States. A linguist, psychologist, and specialist in sign language, Harlan Lane teaches in Boston. He is the author of The Wild Child of Aveyron, which inspired the famous film by François Truffaut.
François Ladame
Are We All Masochists?
A sense of duty, guilt, self-sacrifice, a feeling of unworthiness, self-destruction…: a book for an understanding and evaluation of our own level of masochism and, if needed, to learn how to correct it.
François Ladame
Eternal Adolescents How to Become an Adult
Problems of identity also concern fully developed adults or, more accurately, those apparently developed adults who have failed to leave their childhood behind and have been unable to become autonomous. In an age which prefers to break down rather than uphold limits between genders, generations, even between life and death how can the construction of ones personal identity be enhanced? What can be done to develop a powerful sense of existing in ones own right, independently of inner changes and circumstances? How can children be helped to find their place in the world and to remain themselves in the midst of others? François Ladame is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
Anne de Kervasdoué
New Questions from Women Responses to 1001 questions that women ask about their health and their well-being, at every age in life
All the experience and knowledge of a gynecologist who has been listening to women for 40 years.