Personal Development All books
Jean Abitbol
Woman’s Voice
A comprehensive book on the female voice by one of the best specialists, who works with people whose voice is their primary tool: teachers, singers, men and women politicians.
Éric Albert
How to Use Stress to Your Advantage
Stress, which is a product of our busy and agitated societies, does not necessarily occupy our private life. For many of us, stress is part of our professional life. What should we do in order to work better? How is it possible to put into place working and relational methods which favour efficiency and dynamism without exerting undue pressure? How can we avoid falling apart ? Éric Albert, a psychiatrist, explains what we know of stress today and moreover gives us facts which can help us analyze the way we work and how we can improve what can be improved.
Marie Anaut
Humour and Resilience
• How does humour function? What part does it play in our relational dynamics and in the development of defence mechanisms when we are faced with harmful or destructive experiences?
Christophe André
Come Meditate with Us Meditation with the Experts
Assembled for the first time in a single volume, twenty-one leading figures in the world of meditation, who share their meditation secrets, including their doubts and the difficulties they, themselves, have encountered.
Christophe André
Imperfect, free and Happy How to Live in Friendship with Yourself
This new book is the result. It radically embraces the daily practice of self-esteem and of how to live in friendship and harmony with yourself.
Christophe André
Imperfect, free and Happy How to Live in Friendship with Yourself
This book shows how not to drown in your own issues and how to rediscover a harmonious relationship with yourself and with the world, so as to achieve the goal of true fulfilment.