Psychoanalysis All books

François Roustang
Learning to Be Free Spoken and Written Words (1964-2016)
The first complete volume that traces the famous therapist’s career path and embraces his entire intellectual legacy, which is a source of new and fruitful perspectives in psychotherapy.

Daniel Sibony
An author popular with readers interested in psychoanalysis and books about literature. A highly original and exhaustive examination of one of the world’s most popular playwrights.

Maurice Corcos
An Anorexia Primer
A dictionary to approach the many facets of anorexia. The psychoanalytical approach enables an understanding of the multiple facets of anorexia

Saïda Douki Dedieu, Hager Karray
The Veil on the Couch Hidden ramifications unveiled
The visible or hidden ramifications of the headscarf explained from the point of view of two psychiatrists who aim to reveal its importance in the status and mental health of women, from its origins to the present.

Serge Stoléru
The Portable Psychoanalyst A New Approach for Self-Knowledge
A both philosophical and psychoanalytical justification of a desire for self-knowledge. A concrete and lively text due to the presentation of real cases.

Paula Thorès Riand
Wounds of the Mother Don’t Pass on Your Own Abuse
An analysis of the mechanism that puts into place a mother/child relationship influenced by a complicated mother/daughter relationship.

Danièle Brun
The Imprint of the Familial Body Memory of Scars
A new approach to a better understanding of what occurs unconsciously in the family. A work that explores the ties that connect members of a family.