Psychoanalysis All books

François Roustang
Learning to Be Free Spoken and Written Words (1964-2016)
The first complete volume that traces the famous therapist’s career path and embraces his entire intellectual legacy, which is a source of new and fruitful perspectives in psychotherapy.

Daniel Sibony
An author popular with readers interested in psychoanalysis and books about literature. A highly original and exhaustive examination of one of the world’s most popular playwrights.

Maurice Corcos
An Anorexia Primer
A dictionary to approach the many facets of anorexia. The psychoanalytical approach enables an understanding of the multiple facets of anorexia

Saïda Douki Dedieu, Hager Karray
The Veil on the Couch Hidden ramifications unveiled
The visible or hidden ramifications of the headscarf explained from the point of view of two psychiatrists who aim to reveal its importance in the status and mental health of women, from its origins to the present.

Serge Stoléru
The Portable Psychoanalyst A New Approach for Self-Knowledge
A both philosophical and psychoanalytical justification of a desire for self-knowledge. A concrete and lively text due to the presentation of real cases.

Paula Thorès Riand
Wounds of the Mother Don’t Pass on Your Own Abuse
An analysis of the mechanism that puts into place a mother/child relationship influenced by a complicated mother/daughter relationship.

Danièle Brun
The Imprint of the Familial Body Memory of Scars
A new approach to a better understanding of what occurs unconsciously in the family. A work that explores the ties that connect members of a family.

Stéphanie Hahusseau
How Not to Endure Any Longer Deconditioning Oneself from One’s Past
A book for a general audience and for health-care professionals that explains how behavioral disorders, can be hiding repressed issues of abuse

Alain Ehrenberg
The Mechanics of Passions: The New Contemporary Individualism
The book’s very stimulating thesis: the twenty-first century will be the century of the brain and the neurosciences, which are already playing the role that psychoanalysis played in the twentieth century.

Daniel Widlöcher, Antoine Périer, Nicolas Georgieff
Around Daniel Widlöcher: Psychoanalytical Conversations with Antoine Périer and Nicolas Georgieff
These conversations with Daniel Widlöcher are of particular importance: he is one of the last great figures in French psychoanalysis of the post-war generation.

Liliane Zylbersztejn
Itinerary of an Abused Child Hate, love, and life
A powerful testimony enriched with a reflection on children’s psychological defences against abuse. Seen as a positive psychological process, this approach to hatred — an unusual concept — can light the path of many people who consider themselves affected.

Catherine Morin
Man and his brain Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience
An assessment of the relationship between neuroscience and psychoanalysis. A synthesis that aids understanding of the possible complementarity between neuroscience and psychoanalysis, of the specificity of each approach, and the value of sharing knowledge about the brain.

Alain Braconnier
How to Listen and to Be Heard
The right questions to ask ourselves and the qualities to develop in order to be heard. Feeling like we are being heard contributes to our psychological equilibrium, as well as to our self-confidence. This book proposes a method for being heard properly. A reader-friendly book that offers practical advice and recognizes the true value of dialogue in human relations.

Olivia Hagimont
The Family Dinner or How to Survive Your Loving, Neurotic Family
Family dinners are the perfect opportunity to show a rogue’s gallery of characters with strong personalities, who will, over the course of a meal, offend and wound each other, but come to love each other once again. Family get-togethers, where neuroses take centre stage. Olivia Hagimont’s sense of humour works as a magnifying glass, allowing us to see our own idiosyncrasies in order to be able to put things that hurt us into better perspective, and to start letting go of past events.

Tobie Nathan
The Secrets of your Dreams
Each of these case studies is illustrated by Eloise Oddos, making the book an attractive gift. A true practical guide of the interpretation of dreams, it is concrete, precise, practicable, written by one of the most inventive French authors. This book renews our understanding of dreams and puts the study back in its deserved place in our "rationalised" lives.

Olivier Bouvet de la Maisonneuve
Narcissus and Oedipus Go to Hollywood Psychoanalysis with Depression
Art and creativity can help us understand depression and how the psyche works

Didier Pleux
The Freudian Couch Revolution
Existential psychotherapy: a new approach grounded in the power of consciousness

Nicole Jeammet
Between You and Me
Giving and receiving: how to establish trust in affective relations?

François Ansermet
The Manufacture of Children
What are the limits of assisted reproductive technology (ART), a crucial issue for our children and the future?

Massimo Recalcati
The Telemachus complex Fathers’ New Identity: Reconstructing a Paternal Image
A clear-sighted, indispensable work to understand the changing role of fathers in today’s society

Danièle Brun
A Part of One’s Self in the Life of Others
The role of the patient in the psychoanalyst’s personal life

Geneviève Delaisi de Parseval
Infertility and the Pain It Causes Nine Months in a Psychoanalyst’s Life
Reproduction examined from every angle: hopes, ethics, norms, values and a changing society

Nathalie Zajde
Who Were the Hidden Children? Thinking With the Major Witnesses
Nathalie Zajde continues to research the psychological trauma and the identity of children who were hidden during the Holocaust

Sophie deMijolla-Mellor
At the risk of the order
Could order exist in the absence of any sort of authority to enforce it?

Virginie Megglé
Happiness is Taking Responsibility Overcoming Guilt
Accept responsibility instead of succumbing to guilt — and take a step toward happiness

Bruno Humbeeck
A Heartache Can Help You Grow Up
Understanding the pain caused by an unhappy love affair can help you pick up the pieces — and start loving again