Science All books

Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
Self-Organisation of Speech
The nature and evolution of language: the latest discoveries, at the crossroads of the neurosciences, linguistics and robotics

Gérard Liger-Belair
The Science of Champagne
In this fascinating book, Gérard Liger-Belair delves into the inner workings of champagne and pierces its mysteries...

Stanislas Dehaene
Science Helping Schools
Presented in a concise and clear way, the most important discoveries concerning the brains of the youngest students.

Nicolas Hulot Foundation For Nature And Mankind, Alain Grandjean, Thierry Libaert
Science for the World to Come Facing Climate Change and the Destruction of Biodiversity
This book will be published to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of the Fondation Nicolas Hulot.

Michel Jouvet
Science and Dreams
The scientist Michel Jouvet recounts his great discoveries and reviews recent research in the science of dreams.

Georges Chapouthier
Saving Humans through Animals
An original thesis that connects in a paradoxical, but reasoned way, the development of morality in humans to their animal nature.